Gift of Abalone

Yesterday, I  received a UPS box from my dear friend Christy.  We live on opposite ends of the country but we have remained the best of friends.  She is an amazing artist and has been great inspiration to me since we met twenty five years ago.  She'd told me about a collection of abalone shells her son had recently come across and given her.  She made some beautiful mobiles combining the shells with driftwood and wire wrapping.  My favorite colors are contained in the iridescence of abalone.  It also evokes memories of growing up in Southern California.  I often stopped at a little shop called Tidepool Gallery on Pacific Coast Highway where I bought several pieces of abalone jewelry all of which I still own!  I was wearing a $5 shell ring I'd bought there when my then husband to be, and I, went to Carmel to pick out our wedding rings!  There I was trying on diamond rings, removing my shell ring to do so!  

The box was was filled with an assortment of sizes and shapes of beautiful abalone!  Each and every piece is sooooo beautiful.  I am excited thinking about what I can possibly create with all the pieces and I am so grateful Christy's generosity!
