Recent Musings

I sometimes find myself fearing the loss of creativity because of the focus it takes to work a full time job. I don't actually believe I could lose it because it's an integral part of me, but I am aware of the need to find inspiration in places other than nature. During the week, I am surrounded by people and man made objects.  Consequently, I started drawing people on the metro, especially those seated in front of me. Turns out the back of the head can be quite interesting, the ears in particular, which are very oddly shaped, especially when viewed from behind! One of the things I love about drawing is that it requires observing that which one normally does not see, which makes me feel connected to the whole of life. And isn't that what it's all about? The oneness of all...

 The other day I took some photos of the metro train as it passed.  I overlayed the photos with some washes of color I'd done earlier in the week.

Lastly, I couldn't resist designing another flower petal fashion.  This is the January page of the new 9 x 11 Corolla de la Moda Calendar.  Available on the Shop page.

Milkweed Pods

I took these photos about 3 years ago at this very same time of year.  I was walking the dogs on a chilly day in November, when all trees and shrubs lay in a state of dormancy, not a green leaf in sight.  Suddenly, I spied a group of pods filled with seeds and silk.  It was a feast for my eyes to see such beauty among the surrounding bareness. At the time, I didn't recognize the pods as part of a decaying milkweed plant.  I brought the pods home and laid them on a piece of dark colored velveteen.  I took them into my garden room where the sun shines through a prism which hangs from the south facing window.  Each morning, the floors, walls, and ceiling, are filled with spots of color from all colors in the spectrum. I placed the pods strategically to absorb this warm glow and took many, many photographs with my iPhone.  Yes, iPhone! I was really happy with the photos as they turned out amazingly clear. I ended up framing these three and they hang in my entry.

Since then I have learned a lot about milkweed, or the botanical name, Asclepias. It provides the nectar of life at the caterpillar stage of Monarch butterflies.  What a magnificent display of the wisdom of nature. 


American Girl Doll Hats by Lauren

My wonderfully inquisitive, bright, beautiful 12 year old niece, Lauren, is making and selling American Girl Doll winter hats and asked if I would feature some of them on my website. They are adorable, as is she. They are available on the shop page and sell for $5.

Workin' 9 to 5

Over the past six or so months, I have felt a readiness for change growing inside of me.  I thought that perhaps a move, a change of scenery, would fulfill that desire, so I began to look at real estate with the idea of downsizing.  A fresh start, a move away from the house we've lived in for 22 years.  Memories of a year and a half ago can be overwhelming at times. I know that, "wherever you go, there you are," but there are so many triggers in this house reminding me that our Bret is gone.  Bret, Bret; I never want to cease saying his name out loud to remind myself and others of his presence in spirit.  As far as moving, John isn't ready to make such a major change, which I totally understand, so that idea has been put to rest for the time being.

So, as much as I enjoy my free time working on various creative projects, playing tennis, taking care of our home with three dogs (two plus a grand dog who lives with us part time!) and a cat, gardening, cooking, and so on, I decided to look for a job.  Maybe this was the change I longed for.  A month ago I interviewed for a Sales Consultant position in the Robert Allen showroom at the Washington Design Center.  I was offered the position and started last week!  I now take the metro to DC for a, 9-5, Monday through Friday job!  Robert Allen is a well known fabric company with showrooms throughout major cities in the country.  My job is to assist interior designers who utilize the showroom just as I did when I worked at the Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles so many years ago. I will miss the friends I am used to seeing on a regular basis but I am very excited about this new venture!  

Here are a few photos I snapped this morning...


The Corolla de la Mode series is winding down, but I am proud of the thirty or so designs that I created.

Happy October

October: fall, leaves turning, cooler weather, pumpkins, summer's end, Halloween,  pansies, time to cozy up and pull out the throws, make soup and chicken pot pie... 




2017 Corola de la Moda Calendar

I have been particularly attached to the flower petal fashions as of late. Dreaming up all the different designs has been sooooo much fun. Whenever possible, I like to use art for something utilitarian and a calendar seemed the perfect fit for my girls!. The idea began after I designed a flower petal outfit for Halloween. I ended up using it for the month of October. From there, I chose designs to best correspond with each month. An African American for February which is black history month, a Latin inspired design for Cinco de Mayo, a dress made from lotus flowers for August, the month of their peak bloom, and snow falling for December. 

The calendar measures 6" X 8" which includes a half inch border of black mat board.  It can be used as a desk calendar with an optional black easel, a small wall calendar, or on the fridge (it has a magnet on the back).  A 9" x 11" wall version is available by special order.  

Available on the Shop page. 




Floral Alphabet

My niece, Olivia, was born last month.  It's my brother, Stan and his wife, Heidi's third beautiful child. Their first two are twins whom I've met only twice to my dismay.  Cruz and Eva were born in Los Angeles which explains the dilemma. I would love to be their "Auntie" as I am to my nieces Sydney and Lauren, whom I am close to and love with all my heart. Although I love Stan's three children with all my heart, they don't know me. It's a common problem today with families who live far apart from one another.  

When we moved to Virgina 22 years ago, my boys were 5 and 8 years old. We thought that we would return to California within a few years where we would be close to our families again. Instead, John's job kept us in Virginia. Consequently, our boys were raised without extended family, I have often wondered if things could have been different if their aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents would have been part of their lives. But then all "is" as it is meant to be, no matter how hard certain things are to accept.

Back to my brother, he and his wife wanted to name their baby after a relative and since he was close to my aunt Olivia, my mother's sister, Olivia it is. Sadly, my aunt passed away recently and I think this is a wonderful tribute to her.

In wanting to create something for baby Olivia, I decided to use her special name.  I used photographs I've taken of various flowers and layered them to create letters.  I framed the print and plan on mailing it this week to Albuquerque, New Mexico where the Wilson family now lives.
